Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tanner's New Shirt

Yep, Tanner is going to be a big brother! I am 8 weeks pregnant with number 2! We are really excited and Tanner, as you can tell from the first picture, is still his busy self! Looks like we will have an end of July baby -- I am already praying for a cooler summer!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Girls night out!

Wednesday night was girls night out for our ABF class at church. We went to Bread Winners (probably my favorite restaurant -- at least for a girly night out)! If you have not been and live near Dallas, its a must go to ASAP place! And if you like chocolate cake then sister you really need to go. I never used to be a fan of chocolate cake until..... I had this cake!!! It's so yummy! So we ordered a chocolate cake and ate dinner too! :-)

I love girl's night out. When I was working, I never wanted to go out and miss out on time with Tanner and Brian, but now that I am staying home and get to spend lots of time with Tanner (or maybe that he is learning how to throw a pretty good temper tantrum) I am all for girls night out. Its such refreshing time to get out and hang out with other moms. Of course, the subject of conversation is mostly about our kids, but its still tons of fun! I am lucky to have such a great group of girlfriends to hang out with and I am looking forward to our next time out!

Monday, December 1, 2008

November Moments

What a great week! It was so much fun to spend all week with Brian and Tanner.