Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Grandparents are Great!

This week Tanner got to spend the whole week at home with his Grammy (on Monday) and his Grandma and Grandpa the rest of the week. Tanner had a blast doing all kind of new things on his week vacation at home! Thank you to our parents for all their help this week! We even had dinner on the table when we got home from work! Wow! That NEVER happens! Tanner got to spend a lot of time outside (what a beautiful week)! He even drew me a picture on the driveway with chalk. Tanner spent a lot of time on the back porch too -- he is still afraid of the grass, but loves being outside. We hope his grassaphobia passes soon. Grandma bought him some new kicks to wear on his adventures outside. We haven't spent much time outside this spring due to all his illness with the bronchialitus! It seems that the preventative medicine is doing the trick at keeping the breathing problems away. What a great week!

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's my party and I'll cry if i want to!

We celebrated Tanner turning one with a sock - monkey themed birthday party! I planned everything around Tanner's (pretty consistent) nap time -- but of course, he was totally off schedule that day and did not take an afternoon nap. So needless to say, he was not his chipper self! He came around though and we had a great time. One of mom's friends in forney made a really cute sock monkey cake. (she actually made the cake for my baby shower - so that was kinda neat). While everyone sang happy birthday and during our picture opt with the cake Tanner dove over to grab the first handful of cake! We had chocolate covered bananas and banana punch! Our lil monkey delicately pinched the icing off his piece of cake and then licked his fingers. No diving in for our first taste of cake -- shocker!

Tanner got some much needed 18 month clothes -- he looks so grown up in his new summer polo's. He also got some fun toys (his favorite has been the ball popper fr0m his buddy andie) he loves it! Actually his fav. gift was the tissue paper and sack from Brett and Lisa's present (who knew all you needed to bring was tissue paper). Grammy and Papa also got him a fun rocking horse that neighs and sighs (all the time)! All the kiddo’s that came to the party took home a homemade sock monkey for their party favor. Grammy and I worked hard that week to make all those monkeys – it was fun learning how to make them! It was a special day – thanks to those that celebrated with us!

Mommy's NOT so lil chunky monkey!

Well, Tanner turned ONE this month and I am still in shock! If someone would have told me a year ago how grown up he would be and how he would look like a little boy instead of a baby.... I would not have believed them! I just can't believe how much he has changed in a year. To go from a completely helpless baby to holding his head up, and rolling over to sitting up one day, then rocking on his hands and knees to taking off crawling after a favorite toy to now walking!!! He is sooo busy and independant now. It has been so fun to watch his personality bloom! He has even learned how to be a little toot and throw a temper tantrum! Sometimes is sooo hard not to laugh because he is just so darn smart and sneeky! I wanted to show you his change from his newborn pics to his one year pic with his sock monkey. To many more wonderful years!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Beginner Blogger

Well, we have caved in to the pressure of starting a blog for our family. We tend to always be late bloomers when it comes to new trends. We didn't even get cell phones until we were married for a year! My space came after eveyone bugged us about that as well. Maybe it stems from my child hood when we couldn't afford the new trend so we would wait until it was on the verge of going out (that way it was cheap) and then we were still cool for a month or so!

We are both new at this so please be patient with us (Sherry and Holly :-) as we try to figure out how this all works! We are excited to be able to share our family pics and news with all our friends and family.

soooooooo............... please check back as we will be adding to and getting our blog up and running!