Monday, April 14, 2008

Mommy's NOT so lil chunky monkey!

Well, Tanner turned ONE this month and I am still in shock! If someone would have told me a year ago how grown up he would be and how he would look like a little boy instead of a baby.... I would not have believed them! I just can't believe how much he has changed in a year. To go from a completely helpless baby to holding his head up, and rolling over to sitting up one day, then rocking on his hands and knees to taking off crawling after a favorite toy to now walking!!! He is sooo busy and independant now. It has been so fun to watch his personality bloom! He has even learned how to be a little toot and throw a temper tantrum! Sometimes is sooo hard not to laugh because he is just so darn smart and sneeky! I wanted to show you his change from his newborn pics to his one year pic with his sock monkey. To many more wonderful years!

1 comment:

PrincessJoylynn said...

Oh my goodness, he is certainly cute now but what an adorable lil baby! It looks like ya'll had a great time.