Jibber Jabber.... jibber jabber.... jibber jabber.... is all we hear at our house right now. Tanner stayed Friday night with his grammy and papa and he has not stopped talking about it since! He came home constantly jibber jabbering. He still says all the words he knows but they are all linked together with a constant, well, jibber jabber. It is really funny, but exhausting! I guess this is paybacks for all the talking I did to my older brothers! I wish the video did his jibbers and jabbers justice, but it was the best we could get on film! Notice how his lil tongue is going in top speed -- what a silly boy!
14 years ago
Yes we spent 24 hours listening to that ourselves! I only wish I knew what he was saying! Maybe it was the trip to Toys R Us that did it...we had so much fun!
How fun! It really would be nice to know what goes on in their little heads!
Too cute! If only we knew what they were thinking and saying!
When you need a break from the talking just send him to Joel and Joy's house! Then he might come home barking...
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