Monday, October 27, 2008

Blog catch up -- part 2

Friday night we went to the Family Fall Festival at church. We were only planning to stay for a half hour to take some pics of Tanner in his costume and then head home, however, Tanner was having sooo much fun with his Papa that we ended up staying for a couple hours! He was sooo excited about everything! He loved looking at all the lights, rode his first ride (hot air balloons that swirled and spun faster and higher up in the air than I thought), rode a pony, sort of petted/ (clung to Daddy) animals in the petting zoo, saw a fire truck up close, and even found some flashing monkey lights! Tanner dressed up as a monkey again this year (his costume still fit from last year). Maybe next year he can pick out his own costume!

Saturday, we went to my parents land and played at their park. They had a ton of pumpkins layed around the park. We played on the playground and then played with the pumpkins and flowers. I even had fun getting to swing on the swings -- Tanner thought it was cool when I went really high!

I just love fall! It’s the best time of the year! I love being outside and I love looking at all the best colors all around you! I am looking forward to another month of beautiful weather! Happy Fall!
Fall Festival
Tanner's first glimpse at the fall festival!

I think his face says it all -- he is loving getting to ride his first ride ever (spinning and swirling hot air balloons)

Tanner with his buddy Andie!

Tanner riding a horse (he was making horse noises for 30 min)!

Tanner with Papa by the firetruck

Our lil monkey -- notice the lights in the background 'monkey maze'!

One tired monkey heading to the car.

Grammy and Papa's park at their land
Tanner stopping for a pose by the pumpkins

Tanner on a choo choo train!

This pumpkin is heavy!

Tanner was petting all the flowers.

Video of Tanner's first ever carnival ride -- He was having a blast!

Tanner and Abby (my parents dog) sliding down the slide!


Amy said...

That video is so cute! I love the giggles from both of you.

The Gillaspie Family said...

Love that picture of him walking back to the car at the end of the night...his face says it all. Too cute!

Lisa said...

Tooo cute! Looks like he had a lot of fun.