Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hudson Lee Hake

We have officially decided on Hudson Lee Hake for the new lil Hake's name! Actually, we have known for awhile and just forgot to post our decision. While we were in the process of making our choice and researching names, we started calling the baby Hudson and from then on it just made since that his name should be Hudson. I am officially 28 weeks and getting huge! At my last appointment he was measuring big so next week I have a sonogram to find out exactly how big he really is! While I am excited to get to see him again, I am really hoping that he is really right on track!

It looks like I will have another funky monkey -- while looking at tons and tons of baby bedding online and fabrics I couldn't find anything I really liked that compared to Tanner's sock monkey bedding. So, the sock monkeys will live on in Hudson's room too, but this time in blue! I plan to make their rooms matching but everything that is orange in Tanner's room will be blue in Hudson's. I am getting the itch to get his room ready -- I haven't been in much of a hurry at all as we lose our guest room once converted to a baby room. But, the nesting instinct is starting to take over and I am ready (well, ready for Brian) to get busy! :-) So if anyone see's any great sock monkeys out and around let me know as we are adding to our collection!


christa said...

I think I've seen sock monkeys at Target recently. I'll be sure to keep my eyes open! Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!

Valerie said...

I love the name!!! We miss you guys...we'll have to get together soon.

Jennifer said...

I think that is a great name! Can't wait to meet him!

The Gillaspie Family said...

Love the name...if Audrey would have been a boy, that's what she'd have been!! Keeping my eyes out for more monkeys!!!